Dr. Stefan Schmidt-Lauber
Senior Associate
- Compensation issues, in particular variable compensation systems
- Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) in employment law
- Restructurings
- Separation and termination issues
- Labor law litigation
- Compliance and Investigations
Stefan Schmidt-Lauber is a senior associate at NEUWERK. He advises companies and individuals in all areas of individual and collective labor law. Stefan Schmidt-Lauber regularly advises companies in the renewable energy sector.
He specializes in environmental, social & governance (ESG) in employment law, drafting employment contracts and employment agreements (board members), introducing and structuring variable compensation systems, advising on separation and termination issues, litigating employment law disputes and advising on restructurings. In addition, Stefan Schmidt-Lauber frequently advises and supports companies in internal investigations.
In his dissertation on the subject of "Performance Determination Rights and Remuneration", Stefan Schmidt-Lauber deals with the flexible structuring of remuneration benefits in employment contracts.
Hamburg Association for Labor Law e.V.
Hamburg Bar Association e.V.
Working Group Labor Law of the German Bar Association
Recent work
Advising various executives from (former) start-up companies on the enforcement of claims arising from virtual options/employee participation programs and on the termination of employment relationships
Advising a German credit institution on the defense against unjustified claims for continued payment of wages and obtaining a corresponding decision in principle
Advising a large German company on the enforcement of claims for damages resulting from criminal acts committed by employees
Advising a start-up company on managing director contract negotiations and on the introduction of a virtual employee participation program
Support and advice to a company in the clarification of a complex matter with possible offences by employees during the import of goods.
I. Monograph
Leistungsbestimmungsrechte und Arbeitsentgelt. AGB-rechtliche Anforderungen an die Wirksamkeit und Ausgestaltung arbeitgeberseitiger Bestimmungsvorbehalte im Entgeltbereich, Schriften zum Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht (SAR), Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2020
II. Essays
Corona – und was jetzt? Entgeltfortzahlung nach drei Jahren Pandemie-Arbeitsrecht,
NZA 2023, 1220 ff. (gemeinsam mit Dr. Sebastian Naber und Dr. Marvin Ruth)Das EU-US-Privacy-Shield – Neue Regeln für die Übermittlung von Beschäftigtendaten in die USA,
ArbRB 2016, 243 ff. (together with Dr. Detlef Grimm)Ein Jahr Mindestlohn – Aktuelle Rechtsentwicklungen und Rechtsprechungsüberblick,
ArbRB 2016, 12 ff. (together with Dr. Detlef Grimm)Die ordnungsgemäße Anhörung vor Verdachtskündigung,
ArbRB 2012, 18 ff. (together with Prof. Dr. Björn Gaul)Anforderungen an eine ordnungsgemäße Anhörung vor Verdachtskündigung,
in Aktuelles Arbeitsrecht Band 2/2011, S. 457 ff. (together with Prof. Dr. Björn Gaul)
III. Judgment Notes
Anmerkung zum Urteil des BAG v. 24.08.2023– 2AZR 17/23 (Kündigung nach Äußerungen in einer Chat-Gruppe), DB 2023, M14 f. (gemeinsam mit Philip Hackethal)
Anmerkung zum Urteil des ArbG Iserlohn v. 3.5.2022 – 2 Ca 1848/21 (Entgeltfortzahlung bei Corona-Erkrankung – Unterlassen einer Schutzimpfung – Eigenverschulden)
BB 2023, 960 (together with Sebastian Naber)Anmerkung zum Urteil des BAG v. 28. April 2021 – 4 AZR 229/20 (Bestimmbarkeit des in Bezug genommenen Tarifvertrags bei dynamischer Bezugnahmeklausel)
EWiR 2022, 61 f. (together with Sebastian Naber)
P +49 40 340 57 57 - 35 F +49 40 340 57 57 - 55 M +49 171 350 81 94