Anna Katharina Tisch
- Separation of managers and employees
- Employment and service contracts
- Labor law litigation
- Compliance and Investigations
Anna Katharina Tisch is an associate at NEUWERK. She advises clients on all aspects of individual and collective employment law, including the related areas of corporate and social security law. Her clients include national and international companies as well as executives.
One focus of her work is advising on the separation of employees, on the drafting of employment contracts and contracts of employment (board members) as well as on litigation in employment law disputes. In addition, Anna Katharina Tisch frequently advises on restructuring measures.
Anna Katharina Tisch completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Celle. During her legal clerkship, she worked in the employment law practice group of an international law firm in Hamburg and at the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Berlin.
Anna Katharina Tisch studied law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.
Recent work
Advising and representing a family business in court in the separation of several members of the management team
Advising various executives from (former) start-up companies on the enforcement of claims arising from virtual options/employee participation programs and on the termination of employment relationships
Clarification and legal assessment of violations of organizational, legal and informational duties by members of the governing bodies of a subsidiary in the context of the introduction of short-time work for the parent company
Advising and supporting several international companies on restructurings at German subsidiaries
Hamburger Verein für Arbeitsrecht e.V.
Hamburg Bar Association e.V.
Working Group Labor Law of the German Bar Association
Bucerius Alumni e.V.
German Women Lawyers Association e.V.
I. Essays
Beweiswert der Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung im digitalen Umbruch
NZA 2020, 761, ff. (together with Willem Schulte)Wie „gut“ ist gut genug? - BB-Rechtsprechungsreport zu Arbeitszeugnissen 2017/2018
BB 2019, 757 ff. (together with Sebastian Naber and Willem Schulte
II. Judgment Notes
Anmerkung zum Urteil des Arbeitsgerichts Villingen-Schwenningen vom 12.10.2022 – 8 Ca 339/21 (Gerichtsstand für Geltendmachung von Aktienbezugsrechten konzernzugehöriger Arbeitnehmer gegenüber US-amerikanischer Muttergesellschaft)
EWiR 2023, 156 ff. (together with Sebastian Naber)