Colin Blumauer
- Employment law in professional sports
- Employment and civil law litigation
- Separation and termination issues
- Disputes concerning works constitution law
Colin Blumauer is an associate in the labor law department at NEUWERK and is completing his doctorate on a sports employment law topic while working. He advises national and international clients on all individual and collective employment law issues. In addition, he regularly publishes articles in professional journals on current employment law problems, tailored to his consulting practice.
Colin Blumauer specializes in advising employers on works constitution law and sports labor law. Another focus of his practice is litigation and dispute resolution in labor and civil court disputes as well as the drafting and review of employment and training contracts.
He completed his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg, where he worked for NEUWERK, the employment law practice group of the law firm Gleiss Lutz, the Hamburg Labor Court and the HR department of Norddeutscher Rundfunk.
I. Essays
Äußerungen von Arbeitnehmern in sozialen Medien – eine Frage der Abwägung
NZA 2024, 785-793 (together with Anna Kristin Biedermann)Beweiswert der elektronischen Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung
BB 2023, 884-889Employer of Record: Eine neue Form des Personaleinsatzes im Ausland
NZA 2023, 263-268 (together with Willem Niemeyer)Rückzahlung von Fortbildungskosten: Beendigungstatbestand als Einschränkung in der Vertragsgestaltung
NZA 2022, 755-759 (together with Willem Niemeyer)Anwendungsbereich und Auslegung der „Austauschregelung“: Art. 17 Abs. 5, Anhang VI Teil A Nr. 4 LMIV
ZLR 2020, 629-644 (together with Katharina Linke)Crowdwork – die neue Form der "Arbeit"?
published under:
II. Judgment Notes
Anmerkung zum Urteil des BAG vom 25.04.2023 – 9 AZR 187/22
(Rückzahlung von Fortbildungskosten – Nichtbestehen einer Prüfung)
NZA-RR 2023, 509 ff.
III. Lectures
Gefährliche Posts in Social Media
Blickpunkt Arbeitsrecht, 9 December 2024 (together with Dr. Anna Kristin Biedermann)Brauchen Bundesligisten Betriebsräte?
Sportarbeitsrechtliche Tagung, 5 June 2023 – Bucerius Law School
Hamburger Verein für Arbeitsrecht e.V.
Hamburg Bar Association e.V.
Working Group Labor Law of the DAV