Vivienne Gold
Vivienne Gold joined NEUWERK as an intern in January 2024 and has been a paralegal in the litigation department since March 2024. She studied law at the University of Leipzig and the University of Hamburg.
During her studies, Vivienne completed internships at various law firms in Berlin, Leipzig and Hamburg, as well as at Leipzig District Court.
She worked at the Chair of German and Foreign Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial and Media Criminal Law of Prof. Dr. Elisa Hoven as a student assistant on a research project on "Hate Speech on the Internet".
In Hamburg, Vivienne Gold worked as a legal assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research|Hans Bredow Institute.
Wahl-Watching: Online-Wahlkampf-Monitoring im Lichte des Leitfadens für digitale Demokratie in Hofmann, V., & Kettemann, M. C. (Hrsg.). (2021). Plattformregulierung im Superwahljahr 2021: Ergebnisse
rechtswissenschaftlicher, sozialwissenschaftlicher und datenwissenschaftlicher Studien zu Parteien und Plattformen im Bundestagswahlkampf (Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts, 61). Hamburg: Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI).
(As a co-author)Susi, M., Benedek, W., Fischer-Lessiak, G., Kettemann, M. C., Schippers, B., & Viljanen, J. (Eds.). (2022). Governing Information Flows During War: a Comparative Study of Content Governance and Media Policy Responses After Russia's Attack on Ukraine (GDHRNet Working Paper, 4). Hamburg: Verlag Hans-Bredow-Institut.
(As a contributer)
Weisser Ring e.V.