Dr. Saskia Constanze Zellerhoff
Senior Associate
- Labor law litigation
- Drafting of employment and service agreements
- Separation and termination issues
- Trade secret protection
Saskia Zellerhoff is a senior associate at NEUWERK. She advises individuals and companies in all areas of individual and collective labor law.
One focus of her work is litigation in employment law disputes, advising on the separation of employees and executives, and drafting employment contracts and contracts of employment (board members). In addition, Saskia Zellerhoff frequently advises on issues relating to the protection of trade secrets.
Saskia Zellerhoff completed her legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg, including stations at NEUWERK and the Hamburg Labor Court.
Saskia Zellerhoff completed her doctorate in comparative law on a family law topic and conducted research for this purpose at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and at the University of Exeter in England, among others.
Bucerius Alumni e.V.
Hamburg Association for Labor Law e.V.
Hamburg Bar Association e.V.
Working Group on Labor Law of the German Bar Association
German Labor Court Association
I. Monographs / Textbooks
Das Arbeitsverhältnis jenseits der Regelaltersgrenze, Handbuch, Baden-Baden 2024
Die Familienschiedsgerichtbarkeit in Recht und Praxis – eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Rechts, Dissertation, Bern 2020.
II. Essays
Rentnerbeschäftigung: Verschiebungen und Auswirkungen des verfassungsrechtlichen Spannungsfeldes am Beispiel des Befristungsrechts
NZA 2024, 1534 ff. (together with Willem Niemeyer)Family Law Arbitration: A Comparative Analysis of German and English Law and Practice, in: Boele-Woelki, Katharina/Martiny, Dieter (eds.), Plurality and Diversity of Family Relations in Europe, Cambridge 2019, S. 313-340.
III. Judgment Notes
Anmerkung zum Urteil des ArbG Düsseldorf vom 03.12.2020 – 10 Ca 3223/20 (Zum Wiedereinstellungsanspruch des insolvenzbedingten gekündigten Arbeitnehmers gegen den Betriebserwerber bei Betriebsübergang vor Ablauf der Kündigungsfrist)
EWiR 2021, 444 f. (together with Willem Schulte)
IV. Lectures
Das Arbeitsverhältnis jenseits der Regelaltersgrenze
Nomos Webinare am 8. November 2024