Paula Rücker-Embden
- Individual labor law
- Collective labor law
- Litigation
- Drafting and review of employment contracts
Paula Rücker-Embden is an associate at NEUWERK and advises clients in all matters of individual and collective employment law.
Her practice focuses on litigation in employment disputes, drafting employment contracts and advising on separation and termination issues.
Paula Rücker-Embden grew up bilingually in Barcelona and studied law at the University of Hamburg. She completed her legal traineeship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court (Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht), including stations at the Hamburg Labor Court and an international business law firm in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
P + 49 40 340 57 57 - 15 F +49 40 340 57 57 - 55 M +49 170 19 03 502